3 Reasons to Sell Your Home in 2019

3 reasons to sell your home in 2019If you’ve been on the fence about listing your home for sale, you might want to take action soon. That’s because 2019 is shaping up to be a great year to sell your home.

Though deciding to sell your home is a big step and requires that you weigh your options, spending too much time waffling back and forth could mean that you miss a prime time to get the most value for your property.

That being the case, consider the following as top reasons to list your home sooner rather than later.Read more

Unveiling a New Way to Market Homes for Sale

home tips for alexa
At Wind River Realty, we’re committed to staying on the cutting-edge of real estate marketing.

In the past, that meant developing a strong presence on the internet and social media sites as those venues were developing years ago.

We then forayed into YouTube, where we create narrated video tours and drone tours of select homes to give buyers a more complete understanding of the properties in which they are interested.

This year, we’ve expanded our marketing technology further with a new way to market homes for sale – using Amazon Echos. More specifically, we utilize the Alexa virtual assistant to act as a “tour guide” in select homes.Read more

Ask O: Myths About Selling Your Home

Ask O_ myths about selling your home

Dear Olivia,

I always hear that kitchens and baths sell homes. Does that mean I should invest in updating those spaces before I put my house on the market?


Eager to Sell

Yes, you’re right – kitchens and baths often sell homes.

But that doesn’t mean that you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars gutting those spaces and starting from scratch.Read more

Ask O: How Do I Stage My Home?

ask o how do i stage my home

Dear Olivia,

I read recently that staging a home can help get it sold faster. I have no idea where to begin with staging though. How do I stage my home? Help!

Wanting to Sell

You’re right – home staging can help you sell your home faster, which is why I recommend that all my clients spend some time preparing their homes for market before we list the home.

When you watch real estate shows on TV, you often see Realtors asking their clients to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on home staging. But that isn’t necessary to have a positive impact on how potential buyers perceive your home.Read more

Wind River Realty Asks “What’s Up Wyoming?” With Its New Alexa Skill

what's up Wyoming Alexa skillPhoto by Andres Urena on Unsplash

It’s been forty years since Wind River Realty was founded. A lot has changed since 1979 – both in the housing market and in the way we use technology.

It seems like it wasn’t all that long ago that the internet wasn’t a thing and that hardly anyone had a cell phone. Now we have voice-activated robot assistants to do our bidding. Crazy!

If you have an Amazon Echo, you know how incredibly helpful they can be.Read more

What NOT to Do When Selling Your Home

What Not to do when selling your homeOne thing we tell our sellers is to get their home ready for market by sprucing things up a bit. After all, some new flooring here and some new paint there can make a world of difference.

However, painting a wall is one thing; tearing down a wall to create an open floor plan is another thing entirely.

So, while it’s important to put your home’s best foot forward, it’s also important to know the limitations of your DIY skills.

That being the case, here’s a list of what not to do when selling your home.Read more