Wind River Realty’s 3 P’s of Marketing Your Home

Our Secrets to Marketing Success

How your Realtor markets your home is an incredibly important part of getting your home sold in a timely fashion and for a price that is acceptable to you. But marketing takes on an even greater importance when the real estate market slows down, as it has in Fremont County.

Our clients are constantly kept in the loop about how we market their homes, but the behind-the-scenes details may not be as evident to people that have yet to become our customers.Read more

Get Your Home Ready to Sell With These Home Improvement Projects

Big and Small Improvements to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

Even though it’s only July, now is the time to start thinking about what you need to do to get your home ready to sell before winter hits. Once winter rolls around, the market tends to slow, not to mention the weather makes it much more difficult to take on some of the improvements that might need to be made to get your home in tip-top shape.Read more

Fremont County Real Estate Myths and Realities: Part 3

Fact or Fiction?

This month we’ve been looking at a few real estate myths that sometimes confuse homebuyers and sellers in Fremont County. The first installment reviewed home pricing myths and the second post related to selling a home.

This third article shifts the focus back to a couple of myths related to buying a home. The fourth and fifth real estate myths in the series address commonly held misconceptions about agent fees and the amount of money you need to put down on a home.Read more

Fremont County Real Estate Myths and Realities: Part 2

Fact or Fiction?

Throughout April, we’re highlighting a few real estate myths and realities as they pertain to the Fremont County real estate market. In the first article, we looked at the myth that home prices will soon come down and the myth that appraisals always come in above the asking price of a home.

In the second part of the series, we continue our list of myths and move on to myths three and four to discuss two very popular misconceptions about shorts sales and the way you should price your home.Read more

Fremont County Real Estate Myths and Realities: Part 1

Fact or Fiction?

There are all kinds of misconceptions about real estate floating around out there. From the stability of the market to confusion about real estate processes to incorrect assumptions about financing and appraisals, there’s a lot that many buyers and sellers may not fully understand. And that’s ok! Buying and selling real estate is a highly complex process that involves a bunch of different people, organizations, and institutions, so the everyday person shouldn’t expect to know every little detail.Read more

Four Easy Tips for Decluttering and Organizing Your Home

Let’s face it, we all have that one kitchen drawer full of junk, and many of us have an entire room full of clutter! It’s easy to accumulate stuff over the years, and once your collection of clutter reaches a certain point, it can become too daunting of a task to even deal with it. But trying to forget about it doesn’t solve the problem, especially if you are thinking about selling your home. If clutter has overtaken your home, give these quick and easy tips for decluttering your home a try.Read more