Ask O: What Makes My Home Less Likely to Sell?

Ask O_ What makes my home less likely to sell_

Dear Olivia,

My family and I are thinking about selling our current home and moving up to something larger. My question is, what are some common issues we need to think about that will make our home less likely to sell?

Ready to Sell

While there are big issues – a bad roof, a cracked foundation, or a sewer line that needs replaced – that can easily make your home a challenge to sell, there are plenty of smaller issues that turn off potential buyers.

If your home doesn’t need major repairs, keep the following in mind as potential roadblocks to your home selling in a timely fashion.

Old Carpet

Perhaps the most common issue that makes potential buyers think twice about buying a home is old carpeting.

From out-of-date colors to dirty, stained rugs, if your carpeting is off-putting, you can expect your home to linger on the market a bit longer.

You might consider replacing the carpet (something neutral is best!) before listing your home or offering a flooring allowance with an acceptable offer to entice buyers.

Crazy Paint Colors

Your daughter might love the pink paint in her bedroom, but potential buyers might not be so in love.

When selling your home, one of the best things you can do to make it more attractive to buyers is to add fresh, neutral paint.

Neutral colors like white, gray, or beige give potential buyers a clean palate to add their own decor. Besides, many people don’t like to paint, so if you do it ahead of time, you take that time-consuming task off the table for buyers.

Pet Smells

home seller tips

Photo by Mike Burke on Unsplash

If you have pets, you no doubt love them like a family member. But dogs and cats can make your home smell not-so-great.

This is a particular problem because you might not notice pet odors any longer. While you’re accustomed to them, potential buyers might feel like they’re smacked in the face with pet odors when they walk in the front door.

Before you list your home for sale, it’s important to deodorize the house so it smells fresh and clean. Cleaning the carpets (or putting in new ones) will go a long way in accomplishing that goal!

Lack of Privacy

No one wants to come home and find their nosy neighbors intruding on their space.

Though homes in town can’t compete with the privacy that rural properties provide, you can do a few things to enhance the feeling of seclusion, like building a privacy fence, adding trees, shrubs, and other plants along the property line, and adding privacy-enhancing features like a trellis with vines.

No home is perfect for every buyer, but if you want to maximize your home’s potential to sell, taking care of these simple issues will certainly help!

If you find you have more questions, don’t hesitate to send me a message or call me at 307-856-3999!
