Easy Ice Dam Fixes for Your Roof

Easy Ice Dam Fixes for Your Roof

As I’ve been driving around Riverton and Lander the last few days, I’ve noticed a BIG problem with a lot of homes – ice dams.

This time of year, ice dams can be really common with the warmer temperatures melting off all that snow that’s been around since Thanksgiving.

But ice dams form for reasons other than rapidly rising temperatures. Let’s take a closer look at why ice dams form and what you can do to stop them.

Vlog: How the Government Shutdown is Affecting Real Estate

How the government shutdown

As the partial government shutdown continues on, you’ve no doubt heard how many federal workers are furloughed or working without pay.

Government shutdowns like this can have a number of impacts on the real estate market too, and on you as a homeowner or prospective homeowner as well.

In this week’s vlog, Katie Vroman and I take a look at some ways that the government shutdown is impacting the real estate market in Fremont County, as well as take a look at a number of real estate-related programs that are still up-and-running.Read more

Vlog: Decluttering, Organizing, and Staging, Oh My!

Decluttering, Organizing, and Staging, Oh My!

It’s that time of year when everyone has their New Year’s resolutions all lined out and still has the energy to try to keep up with their goals.

That being the case, now is a prime time to tackle some decluttering, organizing, and staging of your home! This is especially important if you’re planning to sell your home, but even if you aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, a clean and organized home can be a total blessing!

Vlog: How to Build Equity in Your Home (and Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster!)

How to Build Equity in Your Home (and Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster!)

When you buy a home, having a nice, new mortgage payment hanging over your head for the next 30 years can be a little disconcerting.

But, fortunately, the primary benefit of owning a home – building equity for the future – makes that monthly payment worth it.

Once you’ve built equity in your home, you can tap into that to make home improvements, finance a car, or consolidate other debts, as just a few examples.Read more

3 Surefire Ways to Build Home Equity

3 Surefire Ways to Build Home Equity

One of the greatest benefits of being a homeowner rather than a renter is that you have the opportunity to build equity over the years.

Equity in your home refers to the difference between what you owe on your home and what the current market value is of your home.

For example, if your home is worth $100,000 and you only owe $75,000, you have $25,000 of home equity.

Home equity is a key component of building long-term wealth. But just letting the property appreciate over time isn’t the only way that you can maximize your equity.Read more

Vlog: What To Do If You Find a Bat in Your House

What To DoIf You FindA Bat In Your House

Even though I’ve lived in the country most of my life, I’ve been fortunate that I’ve never encountered a bat in my house.

I realize that bats are helpful – they eat mosquitos, among other things – but if you’re like me, you just can’t get past how super creepy they look!

I usually hear a bat story or two from friends or clients each year, but this year I’ve heard WAY more stories about people seeing bats, finding dead bats in their yards, and worse – finding live bats flapping around inside their homes.