Ask O: Can I Contact a Listing Agent if I’m a Buyer?

Ask O: Can I contact a Listing Agent if I'm a Buyer?

Dear Olivia,

I always see that for sale signs say to contact the listing agent for the home to get more information. But shouldn’t my Realtor get details on my behalf? What gives?!

A Very Confused Buyer

What a great question! I’ve actually been asked this a lot by casual buyers who simply don’t know how to proceed with the home-buying process. And the answer to this question is that it just depends.Read more

Ask O: Myths About Selling Your Home

Ask O_ myths about selling your home

Dear Olivia,

I always hear that kitchens and baths sell homes. Does that mean I should invest in updating those spaces before I put my house on the market?


Eager to Sell

Yes, you’re right – kitchens and baths often sell homes.

But that doesn’t mean that you need to spend tens of thousands of dollars gutting those spaces and starting from scratch.Read more

Ask O: How Do I Stage My Home?

ask o how do i stage my home

Dear Olivia,

I read recently that staging a home can help get it sold faster. I have no idea where to begin with staging though. How do I stage my home? Help!

Wanting to Sell

You’re right – home staging can help you sell your home faster, which is why I recommend that all my clients spend some time preparing their homes for market before we list the home.

When you watch real estate shows on TV, you often see Realtors asking their clients to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on home staging. But that isn’t necessary to have a positive impact on how potential buyers perceive your home.Read more

Ask O: Pricing Homes

Dear Olivia,

We are thinking about selling our house, we have read a lot of things about pricing on the internet, and ultimately have found just about every theory you can imagine?  Can you tell us more about pricing?

Of course! Proper Pricing is one of the most important things you can do when selling your home!  You want to be sure you hit the target and if for any reason you miss it, don’t sit there and go stagnant!    Read more